When we are born, we have no say in the circumstances surrounding our birth. Some of us arrive in a hospital surrounded by bright lights, medical equipment, and highly educated professionals. Some arrive at home in an inflatable pool with family, a midwife or doula to welcome us. A few even arrive in the back of a car! But when it comes to our death, I would like to think we should have a little more say in our departure from this life if at all possible.

When my friend was at the end of her life, after valiantly living with colon cancer for a few years, she was fortunate enough to be able to make the decision to go to a wonderful hospice in Guelph for her final days. It was a few minutes’ drive away. She loved her husband, son, three daughters, baby granddaughter, and two dogs. She loved her home. But she was tired and didn’t want them to be responsible for her last days. She needed their love not their untrained ‘nursing’ abilities. She needed them strong not stressed, well rested not exhausted. She took great comfort in knowing that they could come whenever and for as long as they wanted, and the baby could be with her as fit the baby’s schedule. Her friends were welcome, the staff was warm, friendly, and well trained in the special needs at end of life. There was food and hot drinks, and all was calm. It was the best solution for her and for all of us who loved her.

Without a hospice the choice is twofold, stay home and it all falls on your family, or go to hospital where your family takes on visitor status, with paid parking, regulated hours and limits on numbers. Hospice should be available as the third choice. North Halton needs this facility, and the Townsend Smith Foundation needs our support to make it a reality. Come out on May 13th to hike with us or lend us your financial support and we’ll hike for you and for all our future ‘dying days’.

– Bonnie Walsh